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ADA Low Carb article and AADE Diabetes Meal Planning panel

Quick update:  My article, “A Low-Carbohydrate, Whole-Foods Approach to Managing Diabetes and Prediabetes” has been published in the Fall/Winter edition of the ADA journal, Diabetes Spectrum!

In the article, I recommended a moderately low-carb diet (100-110 grams of total carbs, and 80 grams of net carbs), as a starting point. While I definitely believe many people would benefit from going lower (in fact, I generally consume slightly less than half this amount of carbs myself), the notion of taking in less than 130 grams  a day is still considered dangerous by many diabetes health professionals, and one of my primary aims was to dispel this myth while recommending a more gradual easing into carbohydrate restriction. Also, for anyone who does read the article, please be aware that it was heavily edited: I was asked to remove some of what I considered important statements and add in content in the form of qualifiers (lots of “however’s.”) Some of the verbiage is also not my own. Apparently this is what happens to all authors of professional papers, so I can’t complain too much. Overall, I think the paper adequately addresses the benefits of, concerns about, and how-to’s of low carbohydrate eating.

One other exciting bit of news is that, based on writing this article, I was been asked to speak on a panel at the annual meeting of the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) in August! The name of the panel is “Diabetes Meal Planning,” and I believe the other people on the panel will be the dietitians who wrote the Diabetes Spectrum articles  “Rationale for the Use of  a Mediterranean Diet in Diabetes Management” and “Preparing to Prescribe Plant-Based Diets for Diabetes Prevention and Treatment.”  While I’m looking forward to this opportunity to promote a way of eating I feel passionately about, I can’t deny feeling a little nervous speaking to what will surely be a tough room : doctors, nurses, and dietitians who largely disapprove of low carb (although I’m hoping to find some like-minded practitioners as well).  Fortunately, they’re giving me plenty of time to prepare.

I just wanted to thank all my regular and new readers for your kind words of support in the comments section of my blog and in your e-mails. It’s very gratifying to know how many of you enjoy and in some cases learn from my posts.

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  1. Dan Brown says:

    Congratulations, I think, Franziska, on the publication of ‘your’ article in the ADA magazine. You have my sympathies too, and my admiration for your equinimity on having your strongly felt ideas comprimised by the editors to conform or at least not diverge so sharply with their orthodoxy. It is, as you say, a learning experience, and one that I shall, based on your experience, endreavor to avoid. How will you reconcile some of the ‘edits’ later if you decide to self-publish or find a publisher more in accord with your own beliefs? Anyway, the fact that you have the camel’s nose in their tent is good news, and I am happy for you.

  2. Franziska says:

    Hi Dan,

    Thanks so much for your words of encouragement and remarks! The ADA has all rights to the article, so I won’t be publishing it on my own or through another publisher, although I may write a similar piece with lower carb recommendations at some point in the future. I looked at the ADA’s invitation as a wonderful opportunity to discuss the research about low carb diets. I truly think things are moving in the right direction, slowly but surely, and that’s very promising.

  3. BadMoonT2 says:

    Glad to hear that your article has led to the opportunity to speak before the AADE. I suspect that you are correct, it will be a tough room. But your views are backed up the results of the studies you have researched for your article. Many of the orthodox views have very flimsy scientific proof, so you have a built in advantage. Hopefully over time discussions like this will lead to low carb being a main stream dietetic option for diabetics.

    Reducing carbs to 30 to 50 g/day had an immediate positive effect on my blood sugars. I wish others would be offered this option instead of being told its dangerous.

  4. Franziska says:

    Thank you so much, Tim! As always, I truly value and appreciate your support 🙂

  5. Congratulations on the article and invitation to speak! I would love to read the article if you’re able to figure out a way to legally distribute.

    1. Franziska says:

      Thanks so much! I’ll try to post a PDF on this site if I can get authorization to do so.

      1. I just read the first few paragraphs that are available for free — very nice! I’m hoping to read the whole thing someday.

  6. Valerie Berkowitz says:

    WOW! This is fabulous news! Congratulations.

    I would love to be in the crowd to support you. But, regardless you will do fine.

    1. Franziska says:

      Thanks so much, Valerie! Would love to have you there! You know, Philly’s not terribly far from NYC, and you could head over to Atlantic City afterwards 😉

  7. Franziska! Thank you for being a Low-Carb CDE!!! As a T2 Diabetic, most CDE’s and Endo’s don’t have clue about LC…, all they know is the “Carb-up, Shoot-up” mentality. I so wish more of them were this way. I am educating my Endo about LC and she is amazed at my results! I promote LC on my 2 websites, please feel free to comment/subscribe. Thanks! Keep us the great work!

    1. Franziska says:

      Thanks so much, Gary! Congrats on your improved blood sugar control. Will definitely check out your website, thanks!

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