
The Low Carb Dietitian’s Guide to Health and Beauty


I’m very pleased to announce that my book The Low Carb Dietitian’s Guide to Health and Beauty has been published!

I’d been thinking about writing a low-carb book specifically for women for quite a while but didn’t start on it until late last summer. Overall, it was a great experience — definitely a lot of work, but I learned so much from it. 

Early in 2014, I was approached by two publishing companies about writing a ketogenic diet book. Although there would have been no expense on my part and a guaranteed small payment for writing the book even if didn’t sell, I really didn’t want to write another keto diet book. There have been several published within the past couple of years, and I didn’t feel I could add much to that discussion. I also believe that a whole-foods-based low-carbohydrate diet can be very beneficial whether or not it induces nutritional ketosis.

Rather than sending a book proposal to those publishing companies or others, I decided to self-publish  in order to have complete control over the content. I knew exactly what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it. It was important to me that the book be extremely evidence-based and well-referenced, and I believe it is, with over 200 citations. At the same time, I felt it needed to be written in a way that the average woman could easily understand and relate to. 

I’ve said this before, and it remains true today: I don’t enjoy doing the self-promotion thing at all. It’s very rare that I tweet or post one of my articles or blog posts more than once. But I realize that in order for a book to be even modestly successful, you really need to get the word out. And I honestly think that my book can help women become healthier, more energetic, and allow them to more easily achieve and maintain a desirable weight. These are things that are important to me, and I enjoy sharing my nutritional knowledge and personal experience with others. 

So if you like my website and enjoy reading my articles, please consider purchasing a copy of The Low Carb Dietitian’s Guide to Health and Beauty. I hope you (or your wife, mother, daughter, or friend) will enjoy and learn from it. As always, thank you very much for your support of my work.

The link to purchase the book on Amazon can be found here: The Low Carb Dietitian’s Guide to Health and Beauty .


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  1. AnnaDownUnder says:

    Pre-ordered the Kindle version … looking forward to reading it. Thanks!

    1. Franziska Spritzler says:

      Anna, I’m so sorry — I was never alerted to approve your post and only saw it now. Thank you so much for ordering my book. I hope you like it! Please let me know 🙂

      Best, Franziska

  2. Congratulations on your book. I’m very excited and know a number of women who would be interested. Thank you!

    1. Franziska Spritzler says:

      Thank you so much, Anna! I hope you enjoy it 🙂

  3. Dan Brown says:

    Congratulations, Franziska. Can’t wait to get my copy!

    1. Franziska Spritzler says:

      Thank you so much, Dan! I really appreciate your continued support over the years 🙂

  4. Admiration all round Franziska – hope it does well, you certainly deserve it.

    All the best Jan

    1. Franziska Spritzler says:

      Thank you so much, Jan! I appreciate your supportive words very much. Hope you and Eddie like the book 🙂

      Kind regards,


  5. Your book should arrive tomorrow! I am following Diane Kress’ Metabolism Miracle plan, but I like to learn all I can about lowcarbing using the sensible approach. I looked through your book with the search feature on amazon, and it looks just wonderful! Nothing faddy! Can’t wait to get it!

    1. Franziska Spritzer says:

      Thank you so much for purchasing my book and for your kind feedback on the contents, Sheryl! I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know what you think! Best, Franziska

  6. Sandra (Sam) Christensen says:

    Congratulations on the release of your book!

    I’ve been waiting to hear about its release and had no idea it had until I searched your blog. I’ll be ordering it from my local bookstore immediately.

    I think it is worthy of a special addition newsletter so that everyone on your mailing list will know about it. It’s just too good to be kept a secret!

    1. Franziska Spritzler says:

      Thanks so much, Sam! I actually did announce it in my February newsletter and mentioned it again in my March newsletter. I’d be more than happy to re-send you the newsletters if you missed them! Also, it’s only available on Amazon.com because getting self-published books into bookstores is all but impossible. Feel free to email me about any of the above: franziska@lowcarbdietitian.com.

      Thanks so much again for your kind and supportive words, Sam! 🙂

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