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Top 10 Quick and Easy Low-Carb Treats


When I want to prepare intricate appetizers or desserts, I have plenty of options:  low-carbohydrate cookbooks, websites, and a few recipes given to me by friends.  But there are times when I just want to throw something together quickly and with minimal  effort, particularly after a busy workday.  Below are 10 fast and healthy  treats (some savory, some sweet) that allow me to indulge while remaining within low-carb guidelines; each is well below 10 net grams of carbs per serving.   I think they’re all delicious and would love to get your feedback as well.  Enjoy!

  1. Cinnamon Cottage Cheese:  Combine 1/2 cup cottage cheese with 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and sugar substitute of choice (I like stevia or sucralose/Splenda) equivalent to 1 teaspoon sugar. 
  2. Hot Cocoa: Combine 1 tablespoon cocoa powder, 1 cup water, 2 tablespoons milk (or coconut or almond milk)  and 2-3 teaspoons sugar substitute in saucepan.  Heat to boiling and pour into cup. Add whipped cream if desired.
  3. Bell Pepper with Guacamole:  Cut red or yellow bell pepper into strips and serve with 2 tablespoons guacamole.
  4. Peanut Butter Mousse: Combine 1/3 cup whipped cream cheese, 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter, and 1 teaspoon sugar substitute.
  5. Chocolate Mousse: Combine 1/3 cup whipped cream cheese, 1 tablespoon cocoa powder, and 1 teaspoon sugar substitute.
  6. Yogurt with Walnuts:  Combine 1/2 cup Greek yogurt with 2 tablespoons walnuts and 1 teaspoon sugar substitute.
  7. Spicy Cream Cheese with Celery:   Cut 2-3 celery stalks celery into 4-inch pieces.  Spread with cream cheese mixed with dash of cayenne pepper.
  8. Ricotta Pudding:  Combine 1/3 cup ricotta cheese with 1/2  teaspoon vanilla and 1 teaspoon sugar substitute.
  9. Cottage Cheese with Berries:  Combine 1/2 cup cottage cheese with 1/2 cup raspberries; sweeten with sugar substitute if desired.
  10. Mini Caprese Salad:  Slice 2 ounces fresh mozarella cheese and 1 medium tomato into 3-inch slices. Serve with chopped basil leaves.  

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  1. BadMoonT2 says:

    Some great recipes proving low carb does not have to be dull!

  2. Franziska says:

    Thanks, BadMoonT2! Hope you enjoy them 🙂

  3. Hi, Franzi,
    I have taken to eating Greek yogurt with sugar substitute (I happen to prefer aspartame) and vanilla. It sort of tastes like cheesecake! And I find that cottage cheese with sug.sub. and cinnamon tastes a whole lot better than plain — and for a picky eater, that matters! 🙂
    Keep up the good work!
    Natalie ._c-

  4. Franziska says:

    Thanks, Natalie! Greek yogurt with vanilla and cottage cheese with cinnamon are two of my favorites as well, and so easy to throw together!

  5. Dan Karkoulas says:

    How about snack packs of prepared diet Jello?

    1. Franziska says:

      Another good choice. Even better if topped with real whipped cream!

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